Welcome Back Lancers!
We are excited to welcome back all of our students for the spring semester! We have many exciting things planned for this semester, and are looking forward to continuing and expanding our leadership programs in order to provide even more opportunities for students to get involved with campus life!
Leadership Programs
This semester we will be welcoming another class to the Emerge Leadership Program, the first level in our three-tier formal workshop series. Emerge had it’s largest class ever last fall, and many of those students will be continuing their leadership journey in the spring Engage program. If at any time in the semester you would like to nominate a deserving student for the Emerge program, you may do so here.
The OSILD staff has been hard at work during the winter break to prepare for the first ever Leadership Symposium, a one-day leadership experience that provides students the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and knowledge while learning from staff, faculty, alum, and Worcester community leaders. The Leadership Symposium is scheduled for Friday, March 1, from 1-6pm Registration for the Symposium opens on January 21 and is open to any Worcester State student. More information can be found on the Symposium page.
At the end of February, 35 student leaders will join the OSILD staff at the Leadership Summit, a weekend retreat in Cape Cod. Using the StrengthsFinder assessment, students will take a deep dive into their top five strengths and learn how to best use their natural talents. The Summit is a highlight for our students each year, and we cannot wait for this year’s event!
Campus Events
There is an entire calendar of events for this semester, brought to you by student organizations, the OSILD, Residence Life, and other campus offices and departments.
Club Promo Tables are scheduled for January 27-30, from 11am-1pm in the Student Center Exhibit Area. Each day, different student organisations will host a table to provide information about their group and how students can get involved.
In March, Hawkins, IN will be coming to Worcester, MA. A night featuring all the fun and mystery of Stranger Things is scheduled for Friday, March 27 from 7-10pm in the May Street Building. Keep your eyes peeled for more information as the event gets closer.
A full event listing can be found in OSILD, on the second floor of the Student Center, and on the Worcester State Event Calendar.
Make sure you also check out the schedule of Wellness Center classes and intramural sports offerings. If you want to get a taste of which Wellness Center classes are best for you, check out their Fitness Jam on Thursday, January 16.

Career Services, the Counseling Center, and Residence Life also provide programming throughout the semester. Make sure to visit their pages to learn more!
From all of us in the OSILD, we wish you the best of luck for this semester!