Leadership: What is Your Philosophy?
At the culmination of each semester’s Engage Leadership Circle, students share their personal leadership philosophies. These philosophies are the culmination of a semester’s learning and reflection, and each is as individual as the participant themselves.
These philosophies also build on those they shared in their Emerge program. We believe every student should develop their own unique philosophy. And so we wanted to share with you just a few of the great philosophies that our leaders have created for themselves. Trisha Cheever | Class of 2020
As I sat here thinking of how to describe myself as a leader, I keep referring back to myself as quiet, and using listening as my number one tool of engagement and focus. Although I may not be physically engaged, my silence is my way of evaluating or trying to solve the situation using restorative techniques.
To put a metaphor to it, I would consider myself to be a sponge. I absorb a lot of information and filter, distinguish and sort the information I obtain by priority within the situation.
The information I retain, factors into why I love to learn. When given the chance, and when I feel it is a good opportunity, I will share all the information I have obtained. I want everyone to be included in what is achieved.
Alba Diaz | Class of 2019
Leadership is important to make change. Everyone should have the opportunity to become a leader. Being a business major I have a lot of interest in leadership. I also have an opportunity to work with other individuals who have the same goals.
Being able to participate in the Engage Leadership program has helped me developed more skills that I could use while working with the President and the fellow Presidential Student Ambassador’s (PSAs). I was able to use my leadership skills to also land a marketing internship for the upcoming semester. So, being able to have all these skills, I should be successful in any opportunity I get in the future.
Jasmine Fouracre | Class of 2020
To me being a leader is all about realizing the important things that may be left unsaid and including the whole group instead of just those who are upfront with ideas. It is so important to get every person involved in creating and finishing a presented task.
The words left unspoken often convey the loudest messages. Every person plays a part, and it is important to encourage those who often stay quiet to voice their ideas. There is also deep intelligence hiding behind those who may seem otherwise un-involved or distracted.
Those who are loud and are often seen as “disruptive” may not be given the credit they deserve. To be a great leader is to be one who nurtures every facet of a group. In letting those who are not always seen as intelligent speak their truth, or by listening closely to the silence emitted by those who chose not to speak; a great leader shows both their their strength and the strength that can be built up by their followers.
Taylor Hutchings | Class of 2020
Everyone has their own definition of a leader. Mine is someone who can take charge of a situation and guide others to produce the best outcome. Leaders have to know how to deal with conflicts, work with a variety of different types of people and know how to bring out the best qualities in everyone.
Leaders need to be able to communicate and be creative. Lastly, leaders need to inspire others. If a leader isn’t able to inspire, then the people working with them aren’t going to make a strong team.
Teamwork is important in leadership because everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and the team works together to make a complete group.
I believe that a leader never stops learning how to become a good leader, there are so many qualities that leaders possess, but there is no leader with the exact same qualities. Leaders also can learn from other leaders and I feel as though this program Engage Leadership Circle was a good example of that.
We are all different kinds of leaders, and when we do activities, we learn different qualities that leaders possess. That being said, I believe that leaders will never stop learning how to be a better leader.
We believe every student walks through their leadership journey different.
And therefore, everyone eventually develops their own unique philosophy. If you would like help developing yours, visit the Office of Student Involvement staff on the 2nd floor of the Student Center.
The Office of Student Involvement & Leadership Development