Accepted Students
Suite A-248
Suite A-248
486 Chandler St.
Worcester, MA 01602
Congratulations on your acceptance to Worcester State University!
We are excited to welcome you to Worcester State. Here, you will find a diverse, motivated community of scholars and faculty and a dynamic campus with outstanding facilities and plenty of opportunities for rewarding academic and extracurricular activities.
With 5,300 enrolled students and a 14:1 student-to-faculty ratio, Worcester State offers a tight-knit campus environment where you can reach your full potential. Students get the training they need for professional success and personal growth through Worcester State’s MajorPlus program—a program that provides an excellent return on investment by allowing students to graduate with two majors, or a major and minor, within four years without added time, credits, or expense.
Tuition and fees that are 35% lower than other area colleges means a better return on your education investment. And Worcester State is committed to keeping tuition costs low, so there’s no need to worry about costs rising substantially before you graduate.
And the opportunities don’t end at graduation. With 20,000 alumni in Worcester County, graduates will have access to a strong network of professionals.
Follow our checklist to navigate the steps you will need to take before you arrive on campus.
Why Worcester State?
A note from the President…
Dear family members,
Congratulations on your student’s acceptance to Worcester State University! The choice of which university to attend is a big decision for the entire family. As a father of three, I have gone through this process and I know firsthand the significance of the college selection process. You should feel confident in your choice of Worcester State – one of New England’s top-ranked institutions according to The Princeton Review, U.S. News and World Report, and Money Magazine. Your student will follow the path of many successful alumni who started their educational journey at Worcester State and I look forward to welcoming them as a member of the incoming class!
Worcester State is proud to be the home of Major Plus, our unique academic framework that allows all new students to complete TWO academic programs in the same four years at no extra cost. With great opportunities for leadership characteristic development, Major Plus gives Worcester State graduates an advantage after college.
As you have likely read in the news, the U.S. Department of Education’s changes to the FAFSA form experienced unforeseen setbacks in its early release. This will impact when universities like Worcester State will receive student information to assemble financial aid award letters. For this reason, we have made the decision to extend our deposit deadline for all accepted students to June 1, 2024. If your student is ready to secure their spot at Worcester State for the fall, I encourage them to pay their deposit before June 1 to begin the enrollment process.
I hope you and your student will join me for Congratulations Day for Accepted Students on Saturday, April 6, 2024. To RSVP, go to After attending this celebratory and informative event, you will have the opportunity to secure your student’s spot for fall 2024. I am confident your student will be successful and supported during their time at Worcester State and I look forward to welcoming them to campus this fall. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach me at I will be happy to hear from you.
Barry M. Maloney
President -
Estimados padres y familiares:
¡Enhorabuena porque su estudiante ha sido aceptado en la Universidad de Worcester State! Elegir la universidad a la que asistir es una decisión considerable para toda la familia. Como padre de tres hijos, he pasado por esta experiencia y conozco de primera mano la importancia del proceso de elegir universidad. Deben tener plena confianza en su elección de Worcester State – una de las instituciones mejor puntuadas de Nueva Inglaterra según The Princeton Review, U.S. News and World Report, y Money Magazine. Su estudiante seguirá el camino de muchos antiguos alumnos exitosos que comenzaron su viaje educativo en Worcester State. ¡Estoy deseando darle la bienvenida como miembro de la promoción entrante!
Worcester State se enorgullece de ser la casa del Major Plus, nuestra formación académica única que permite a todos los estudiantes nuevos completar DOS programas académicos en el mismo periodo de cuatro años y sin costo adicional alguno. Las excelentes oportunidades asociadas con el Major Plus para desarrollar características de liderazgo ponen a los graduados de Worcester State en una posición muy ventajosa después de la universidad.
Como probablemente han leído en las noticias, los cambios que ha hecho el Departamento de Educación de EE.UU. al formulario de FAFSA han causado contratiempos imprevistos durante los primeros días y semanas tras su implementación. Esto afectará también a las fechas cuando las universidades como Worcester State reciban la información de los estudiantes y redacten las cartas que conceden ayuda financiera. Por esta razón, hemos tomado la decisión de extender hasta el 1 de junio de 2024 nuestra fecha límite para pagar el depósito de todos los estudiantes aceptados. Si su estudiante está listo para asegurar su plaza en Worcester State para este otoño, les animo a pagar su depósito antes del 1 de junio para así iniciar el proceso de inscripción.
Espero que tanto ustedes como su estudiante me acompañen este Congratulations Day (Día de Felicitaciones para los estudiantes aceptados), el sábado, 6 de abril de 2024. Para hacer RSVP, o confirmar su participación, vayan a la página Después de asistir a esta celebración informativa, no tengo duda alguna de que estarán listos para reservar la plaza de su estudiante para este otoño de 2024. Estoy seguro de que su estudiante tendrá éxito en Worcester State y de que recibirá todo el apoyo necesario, y espero darle la bienvenida al campus este otoño. Si tienen alguna pregunta, por favor no duden en ponerse en contacto conmigo en Estaré encantado de atenderles.
Un cordial saludo,
Barry M. Maloney
Suite A-248
Suite A-248
486 Chandler St.
Worcester, MA 01602