Student Faye Rhault | Finding Her Community at WSU
CAB President Faye Rhault has grown from a very shy student to a confident leader who is passionate about giving back to her campus community. She graciously shared with us how she got this point in her college career.
Written by Jess Evora, Assistant Director, OSILD
Photos provided by WSU
Third-year student Faye Rhault is serving in her second year on the Executive Board of the Commuter Activities Board (CAB). Last year, Faye was Vice President of CAB. This year, she was elected President of the organization. Faye also participates in Pink Gloves Boxing and also previously worked as an Office Assistant for the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Development (OSILD). Faye acknowledges her involvement on campus for helping her get adjusted to college life, and she encourages her fellow Lancer’s to do the same.
1. How has your involvement with CAB impacted your experience here on campus?
Faye: “When I first came to Worcester State, I didn’t talk to anyone. I didn’t think of myself as being a leader. However, ever since then, there have been so many opportunities to allow me to do that. CAB allowed me to learn to work with other people.”
“I’ve never been comfortable with big groups of people. However, I’ve become comfortable with expressing my own opinion, rather than just simply agreeing with other people. Working for OSILD has helped me a lot with being able to assist others. People come to me often to ask questions now. It’s definitely helped me to grow as a person. I used to be really shy, and now I’m anything but. College definitely helps a lot with a lot.”
2. Can you share how your experience with CAB has influenced your feeling of connection to Worcester State?
Faye: “Being a part of the E-Board on CAB has allowed me to help other people who were in my position feel comfortable at school. I know it’s hard as a commuter. However, seeing events that I was interested in, and that were specifically for commuters made me realize that people were looking out for us.”
“Therefore, our goal for CAB this year is to make sure CAB grows. We want everyone to be part of CAB! We want to work more on promotion so people know who we are and know what we’re doing.”
3. What has been your most proud accomplishment as a Worcester State student?
Faye: “I have to say that I’ve never done so well academically. I’m so proud that I’m able to do so well in school and work and be a part of events and committees on campus.
“I think my time management has matured a lot since I started. It’s weird how I can see myself growing up. I’m finding my way through all my responsibilities, and I have a great group of friends to help me get through all that. I feel like I have a great family here.”

The Commuter Activities Board (CAB) leaders (left to right): Doug, Emily, Andrew, Faye, & Katelyn
4. How would you describe your leadership style?
Faye: “I’m definitely a huge team player. I like to make sure everyone gets through the finish line. I like to make sure everyone is recognized. I believe in promoting the underdog. When I’m in a leadership position, I also like to delegate to make sure everyone does their fair share.
“I don’t think one person should do the work while everyone is recognized. I think it’s important to have a community-focus, verses the individual. Even with CAB, I want to make sure people know everyone’s name in CAB, not just mine.”
“And last, when it comes to certain things, I like to make a divide between friendship and working relationships. I think it’s important when in a leadership position to sometimes set aside the friendship to make sure work gets done.”
What words of encouragement do you have for your fellow Lancers?
Faye: “For other people who are looking to be a leader, but they haven’t shined through yet: Don’t be afraid of doing something you love, even if you’re a little scared. Don’t be intimidated by that. Just rock it out.”
Well-said Faye! Thank you for all the work you’ve put into CAB thus far! We’re looking forward to seeing what else CAB has in store for us this Spring. Good luck as you finish out your year.
The Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Development