Congratulations to our Excel Graduates

December 12, 2022

Congratulations to the five students who completed the Excel program this fall: Briana Chang, Caitlin Kincaid, Tyler LaComfora, Audra Miller, and Mikah Williams! Read below to learn more about these amazing student leaders!

The final tier in the three-tier Circles of Leadership program, Excel provides a culminating leadership experience for those students who have completed both Emerge and Engage. Throughout the fall semester, five students met weekly with Sarah Potrikus and Linzy Martinez to broaden their understanding of their personal strengths and those of others, think critically about current social justice issues across the nation, and reflect on their own journeys through leadership. The program culminated in each student sharing their personal leadership story.

Briana Chang, Class of 2022

Briana Chang
Environmental Science & Biology, Class of 2023
Orientation Leader, LGBTQ+ Alliance treasurer, Class of 2023 Senator, Freshman Peer Mentor, Peer-Assistant Learning (PAL) Mentor, Asian Cultural Boba Club, Hiking Club, Pre-Med Club, various interdisciplinary research projects
Old Sturbridge Charter Public School volunteer, Special Olympics volunteer

What is one thing you have learned about yourself through these programs?
The one thing I learned about myself through the leadership program is to believe in myself. I have all the necessary tools to be a leader, I just needed to believe in myself.

What is one piece of advice you would give to your first semester self?
One piece of advice I would give to the first-semester self is to get involved. Get out of my room and join a club because there are so many amazing people out there to be met!

Read Briana’s Emerge philosophy
Read Briana’s Engage philosophy

Caitlin Kincaid, Class of 2023

Caitlin Kincaid
Psychology & Political Science, Class of 2023
Class of 2023 Senator, Political Science Club president, Orientation Leader, Tour Guide lead, Conference & Events Services Office student employee
Special Olympics volunteer

What is one thing you have learned about yourself through these programs?
One thing I have learned about myself during these programs is how to effectively use my individual strengths, and how to find balance between taking action as a leader, and also taking a step back to encourage others to take the lead.  

What is one piece of advice you would give to your first semester self?
One piece of advice I would give to my first-semester self is to not be afraid to step outside of my comfort zone and try new things. If you never try something you will never know what it could result in. I think that one of my favorite quotes encompasses this,  “Confidence is a byproduct of action”, you have to essentially take action, even if it’s is messy action to build up confidence in any aspect of life. (Quote from For the Girls podcast by Victoria Alario.

Read Caitlin’s Emerge philosophy
Read Caitlin’s Engage philosophy

Tyler LaComfora, Class of 2023

Tyler LaComfora
Business Administration, Class of 2023
Career Services student employee
Youth basketball coach, realtor

What is one thing you have learned about yourself through these programs?
One thing I learned about myself throughout these programs is that people value my opinion a lot more than I had thought previously. It boosted my confidence a lot. I think setting the strength related goals has helped me in my relationships, business, and with my overall health since the program began. I am in an excellent place.

What is one piece of advice you would give to your first semester self?
My piece of advice I would give my first semester self is to stand on your beliefs more. I let far too many influences change who I was in a negative way. If I had the awareness I do now, I could have saved myself a lot of time and energy that could be spent elsewhere.

Read Tyler’s Engage philosophy

Audra Miller, Class of 2025

Audra Miller
Elementary Education, Class of 2025
CLEWs, Mote Marine Laboratory Trip participant

What is one thing you have learned about yourself through these programs?
One thing I have learned about through these leadership programs is that I adore working with children and being able to impact their lives is the most rewarding feeling. I have also realized how much I want to make a difference in our community and environment, and that I do have the strength, being one person, to make a difference.

What is one piece of advice you would give to your first semester self?
A piece of advice I would give my first-semester self is to relax more because there are more opportunities that lie ahead than I think. I would also tell myself to make the most of every leadership opportunity I get because every single one is unique in its own way, they should be cherished and appreciated to the fullest.

Read Audra’s Emerge philosophy

Mikah Williams
Psychology, Class of 2023
Chess Club, QCC Mentorship Program

What is one thing you have learned about yourself through these programs?
I learned that I tend to idolize and later mimic traits of people who I highly regard. Through these programs not only did I learn my strengths, I also learned how to lead with them effective and efficiently.

What is one piece of advice you would give to your first semester self?
I would remind myself that this to shall pass.
