Student Spotlight | Ian Njihia

Ian Njihia, from Westford, MA, is a sophomore majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in International Business. Ian is currently the President of the Third World Alliance and a Resident Assistant.

Ian Njihia

How did you get involved in campus life? What advice would you give to students who haven’t yet found their place on campus?
As my freshman year was unconventional, I decided to make the best out of my sophomore year and fully harness it. I pursued leadership roles that aligned with my interests and beliefs. For people who haven’t found where they belong or their people; my advice would be to put yourself out there and chase the opportunities presented and the rest of the puzzle will come piece by piece.

How do you think you’ve changed as a leader throughout your time at WSU, and what aspects of your experience most influenced this change?
Looking back to the leader I was and the leader I am now, I see major growth in many aspects. I think I’ve adapted to advocating for others and empowering people’s voices. What inspired this change would be the mentors I’ve been lucky to have found here at Worcester State University, most importantly the Office of Multicultural Affairs.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned when it comes to leadership? 
The biggest lesson that I have learned is that to be an effective leader you truly must practice what you preach. For you to spark a movement or change you have to be at the frontline. This is a concept that I’ve been implementing in my leadership style.

What would you say has been your best experience here at WSU?
My best experience here at WSU would be having the opportunity to be an RA, this position has helped me grow as a leader. Interacting with residents on a day to day basis and helping mediate conflict has challenged and rewarded me tremendously.

What advice would you give to students who are just beginning to explore the type of leader, or the type of person, they hope to become?
If I could give any student who is just beginning to explore the type of leader they are capable of being, I would tell them to aim for the sky. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, as they present opportunities to learn and grow