The “student voice” on a college campus is so important in shaping the landscape, curriculum, and overall atmosphere of an institution. Many students are looking to have their voices heard around campus to incorporate their thoughts and ideas into everyday campus life and policies. Playing a role in decision-making and advocating for oneself are the […]
Read Story Students Making Change at WSU

We are excited to welcome back all of our students for the spring semester! We have many exciting things planned for this semester, and are looking forward to continuing and expanding our leadership programs in order to provide even more opportunities for students to get involved with campus life!
Read Story Welcome Back Lancers!

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of our Lancers back to campus for the Fall 2019 semester! We are all looking forward to working with you all through your involvement in student organizations, leadership programs, and campus events.
Read Story Welcome Back Lancers!

This past February, a delegation of Worcester State student leaders had the opportunity to attend the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts 24th annual Student Leadership Conference in North Adams, Mass. One of those students, Zoe Bates, presented at the conference on how to become a great public speaker.
Read Story Public Speaking 101 with WSU Student Zoe Bates!

This February, a delegation of Worcester State student leaders had the opportunity to attend the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts 24th annual Student Leadership Conference in North Adams, Mass. One of those students, Sarah Farnham, took the time to share the many lessons she learned regarding the importance of self-love.
Read Story Leading with Love: Lessons from WSU Students

As we approach mid-February, we hope our Worcester State students have determined their game plan for their 2019 goals. If not, don’t worry! We are here to help!
Read Story GOAL-SETTING 101 with the Student Involvement Staff

Dear Students: You are a Worcester State Lancer because we (the faculty and staff on campus) believe in you. So it’s time to start believing in yourself, if you don’t already. It’s always a good time to start working towards becoming the leader that you know you can become.
Read Story 4 Simple Ways to Bring Out the Leader in You