Suite S-117
The next generation Blackboard is here! Effective Spring 2024, course shells are created in the Blackboard Learn Ultra system. Sign into the Blackboard system with your full WSU email address and password.
While this does mean you can expect some changes, IT Services has resources available to make this transition as smooth as possible.
What You Need to Know:
Good news! Older course materials are importing nicely into the new system. IT Services verified functionalities across many different courses. Accessibility is much stronger and overall usability greatly improved. Students will be pleased at enhanced mobile device performance, something for which they’ve consistently advocated.
What can you look forward to? One example: better assignment submission and grading flows, such as the ability to hold all grades for an assignment until all feedback is complete; and, a verification process for students that ensures assignment files are in a readable format at the time of submission.
What are some of the gaps? There are very few! If you used wikis, blogs, or surveys in the past, please submit a Help Desk ticket and IT Services will meet with you to discuss options.
Blackboard Ultra Course Copy: This one-page document guides you through the process of copying your existing content in your Spring shells. Not only can you copy your original content into an Ultra course, the process has never been easier!
Blackboard Ultra Instructor Resources: Blackboard already has a ton of resources for instructors and is always adding more!
Blackboard Ultra YouTube Playlist: In addition to the resources above, Blackboard also released a YouTube playlist containing dozens of helpful videos for those who prefer videos over text.
Blackboard Ultra Course View Faculty Guide: Materials created by Lesley University for their community.
- Building an Accessible Blackboard Course with Ally
Blackboard Ultra Gradebook: Detailed instructions for navigating Gradebook. Totally new getting started? Scroll down to the bottom for a 2 minute high level interface overview.
Organize your Blackboard Dashboard: Make it easy to find your current Blackboard sites. Scroll down to “view your favorites quickly.”
Blackboard Ultra Overview for Students: Quick Start guide that you can share with your students.
Have a question and need help? Please contact the Help Desk via phone at 508-929-8856 or submit a Help Desk ticket.
Suite S-117