Ghosh Science and Technology Center
Meet with the Pre-Medical Advisory Committee & join a program!
Worcester State University offers an advisory program for undergraduate students interested in preparing for medical, dental, or veterinary studies. Students interested in these fields may pursue study in any of the academic majors of Worcester State. However, most undergraduates interested in medicine or dentistry major in biology and/or chemistry. Students who choose to major in biology, chemistry, or biotechnology may declare a Pre-Medicine Concentration. The requirements for these concentrations include courses that are necessary or strongly recommended for medical, dental, or veterinary studies that are not already included in the major; to complete the concentration, students must also take a 1-credit Pre-Medical Seminar (usually in the sophomore or junior year). Links to the Pre-Medicine Concentration requirements for biology, chemistry, and biotechnology majors can be found in the drop-down menu below. Concentrations do not fulfill the university’s MajorPlus requirement, but any student not majoring in Chemistry or Biotechnology may also declare a Chemistry Minor for the Health Professions, which does fulfill this requirement.
It is the obligation of the student(s) to check with the professional school(s) to which they intend to apply for exact requirements. Nearly all medical and dental schools require 1 year each of the following laboratory courses: general chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, and physics. In addition, many schools require 2 years of a modern foreign language, 1 year of English (including composition), and mathematics (including calculus). Regardless of major, the student is advised to select CH 120 and CH 121, General Chemistry I and II, and BI 140 and BI 141, Introduction to Biology I and II, during their freshman year. As soon as possible following their freshman year, the student should select CH 201 and 202, Organic Chemistry I and II along with CH 203 and 204, Organic Chemistry Laboratory I and II as well as PY 221 and 222 (or PY 241/242), and General Physics I and II.
Students interested in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, optometry, podiatry, or osteopathy should consult both their major advisor and the chair of the Pre-Medical and Health Professions Advisory Committee as soon as possible following matriculation. Students are advised to complete their science requirements before the end of their junior year and to take their national pre-professional exam (e.g., MCAT, DAT) during the spring semester of their junior year. During the junior year, students must arrange an interview with the Pre-Medical and Health Professions Advisory Committee. The current chair of the Pre-Medical and Health Professions Advisory Committee is Dr. Jeffry Nichols (Chemistry).
Meeting with a Member of the Pre-Medical Advisory Committee
All undergraduate and post-baccalaureate pre-medical, pre-dental, and pre-veterinary students are required to meet with a member of the Pre-Medical and Health Professions Advisory Committee prior to an interview with the committee.
- It is strongly recommended that you meet with a member of the committee every semester to make sure you are on track with your coursework, volunteer activities, and MCAT preparation.
- Please meet with an advisor in your major.
- Please notice the posted timeline for application to medical school for those planning on applying during the summer.
Applications for admission to the post-baccalaureate program are processed on a rolling basis; however, it is recommended that prospective students submit materials for admission prior to the pre-registration period for the semester in which they wish to begin classes. (Check the academic calendar for pre-registration dates.)
Important Documents & Information
Committee letters of recommendation are typical for application to medical and dental schools, but are not preferred by veterinary schools. They are also not typical for Physician Assistant or other health professional programs, although articulation agreements with certain PA programs may require them. To receive a committee letter from the Worcester State University Premedical Advisory Committee, students must have an interview with the committee. To be eligible for an interview, students must meet the following criteria:
- Demonstrate a cumulative AND a BCMP (biology, chemistry, math, physics) GPA of at least 3.2. This includes ALL grades from any institution. It is up to you to calculate this and to be able to demonstrate it to the chair of the Premedical Advisory Committee. There are websites available to do this easily or you can use the GPA calculator spreadsheet available in the “forms” section of this page.
- Obtain at least one MCAT or DAT score that meets the following criteria:
- An MCAT score must be at or above the 45th percentile.
- A DAT score must be at or above an 18 or the 50th percentile.
- Demonstrate involvement with and/or exposure to the chosen field through one or more of the following: clinical work experience, hospital volunteering, practitioner shadowing, etc. The type and extent of the experiences appropriate for your chosen path should be discussed with the Premedical Advisory Committee chair or another committee member well ahead of the interview process.
- Meet the above criteria before September 1 of a given application cycle.
If any of these 4 criteria is not met, you will not be eligible for an interview or committee letter in the current application cycle, but you can still choose to apply on your own, without the committee, or to wait for the next application cycle.
Interviews are held on Reading Day at the end of each spring semester and over the summer as needed for students who are taking the MCAT or DAT in May, June, or July. Requests for an interview or committee letter will not be accepted after September 1 of an application cycle. Note that applying early in an application cycle confers a significant advantage for admission, so please try to be ready to interview on the Reading Day date, if possible.
If you plan to request a committee letter in the forthcoming admissions cycle (even if test scores are pending), please notify the Chair of the Pre-Medical and Health Professions Advisory Committee by March 31. If you meet the criteria for a committee interview, you must submit all items listed under “Additional Documents for a Committee Interview” no later than 2 weeks before the interview date.
Once you are accepted to participate in an interview, you must submit the following 3 weeks ahead of your scheduled interview:
- All transcripts from any institution attended (these can be unofficial)
- GPA calculations as described above
- MCAT, DAT or GRE scores as described above
- At least 3 letters of recommendation, 2 of which must come from science faculty. The third letter can come from a faculty member who is not a science instructor, if desired. More than 3 letters are recommended, but the minimum number is 3. Any letters from employers or volunteer supervisors must be on top of the 3 academic letters. Forms and guidelines for writers can be found within the “forms” section of this page.
- A substantial draft of your personal statement
- Current resume
- Questionnaire (also found in the “forms” section of this page)
You should be meeting with a member of the Pre-Medical and Health Professions Advisory Committee at least once per semester to make sure that you are on the right track to be competitive in your application to your chosen program.
The Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical/Pre-Health Program is expected to meet the needs of students preparing to apply to medical, dental, or veterinary school, as well as those aspiring to enter pharmacy, physician’s assistant, physical therapy, or optometry programs. It is designed for students who need to complete the basic science curriculum either as new courses (career changers) or as repeat attempts (GPA enhancement). Students wishing to take an advanced curriculum are advised to seek a second baccalaureate degree through the undergraduate school in lieu of the post-bacc program. The post-bacc program is administered through the Division of Graduate and Continuing Education. It is part-time, and classes are offered primarily in the evening. The basic courses are offered throughout the academic year, and summer courses are also available.
The post-bacc program is very flexible and individualized. Students may begin the program in any term. Each student’s history is evaluated and an appropriate program of study is advised based upon their specific needs. Students have access to advising through the Pre-Medical and Health Professions Advisory Committee and, if applicable for target programs, a committee interview and composite letter of recommendation.
Students who complete 30 credits of basic core sciences and/or other elective science courses at Worcester State will receive a certification of completion of the program. Up to 8 undergraduate science credits from Worcester State or another institution may count as transfer credits toward the 30-credit total. Students are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA to remain in the program.
Admission into the program is based on undergraduate GPA and letters of recommendation. A GPA of 2.75 overall is required for admission, but students with lower GPAs may be admitted on a provisional basis at the discretion of the program director if letters indicate strong potential for pre-medical/pre-health studies. Interested students should complete the online application and submit the $30 application fee, official undergraduate transcript(s), and two letters of recommendation to Sonela Demirazi in DGCE. (Department of Graduate and Continuing Education; Worcester State University; 486 Chandler Street; Worcester, MA 01602).
While applications are accepted at any time, it is recommended that prospective students wishing to start in a fall or spring semester submit materials for admission prior to the pre-registration period for the starting semester (April 1 for fall and November 1 for spring). Students may also choose to begin in a spring term, but should be aware that summer classes are not optimal for core medical or dental school prerequisites.
There is no financial aid available for this program. This is a federal restriction for any non-degree certificate program that does not lead directly to employment. Payment is on a per-course basis and is due at the time of registration for all evening and summer courses. Payment plans can be arranged through the Student Accounts Office (Room A-140). Costs per credit are detailed on the DGCE registration webpage.
Below is a list of the basic core courses and available electives. Since health professions programs differ in their requirements, students should contact the program director prior to registration to make sure they are taking the correct courses. Questions about the program should also be addressed to the program director.
Basic Core Courses
CH 120 (General Chemistry 1, including lab) – 4 credits
CH 121 (General Chemistry 2, including lab) – 4 credits
BI 140 (Introduction to Organismal Biology, including lab) – 4 credits
BI 141 (Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology, including lab) – 4 credits
CH 201 (Organic Chemistry 1 lecture) – 3 credits
CH 202 (Organic Chemistry 2 lecture) – 3 credits
CH 203 (Organic Chemistry 1 lab) – 2 credits
CH 204 (Organic Chemistry 2 lab) – 2 credits
PY 221 or PY 241 (Physics 1, including lab) – 4 credits
PY 222 or PY 242 (Physics 2, including lab) – 4 creditsMath & Science Elective Courses
MA 200 (Calculus 1)
MA 201 (Calculus 2)
MA 150 (Statistics)BI 203 (Genetics)
CH 410 (Biochemistry, including lab)
BI 161 (Anatomy and Physiology 1)
BI 162 (Anatomy and Physiology 2)
BI 204 (Microbiology) -
- Association of American Medical Colleges
- American Academy of Physician Assistants
- American Medical Association
- American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
- American Association of Naturopathic Medical Colleges
- American Podiatric Medical Association
- Bastyr University
- Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
- Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Yale Physician Assistant Program
Major in Biology, Concentration in Pre-Medicine in Chemistry, Concentration in Pre-Medicine in Biotechnology, Concentration in Pre-Medicine